Just another day

I had plans for a mono Monday blip, but unfortunately a particularly bad night sleep last night changed said plans.

So I ditched Pilates, had a more relaxed morning and then went out for a hair cut at half twelve.

Back home and snoozed after lunch, then back out this afternoon for the first treatment down the road with MLS laser therapy.

It works by delivering pulsed and continuous wave lengths to the affected tissues to reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing. Effective on hip, knee, foot, back pain etc, I went for the hip pain I get when walking sometimes.
Not all the time, but I’m kind of trialling it for Callum, as I’m quietly optimistic that it will help his knee pain… we shall see.

Anyhow, by the time that was done, driving back along Marine Parade, it was just heading towards dusk and the light was just right for an afternoon beach shot.

Not much point changing to mono, so I haven’t!

Dentist and camera club tomorrow. Week 3 of co-hosting Tiny Tuesday. Thinking cap on now for a mystery object for that……. hmmmm!

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