Frankfurt From the Air

You can see the Main River (a tributary of the Rhine) curving through the city. Not that we saw any of it. Just hours in the airport, waiting for our hand luggage that had been put in the hold, and then getting to Terminal 2 (had to get a bus, not that we saw any signs to that effect), and then getting the hire car that had already been booked and paid for. Our faith in German efficiency has been rather shaken today.

Carlos then drove us to Sinsheim, where the conference centre is, we've had tea, and first session, and now bed. Took almost twelve hours from start to finish, including a 40min wait on the plane for fog to clear in Lisbon.

- forgot my rucksack (with laptop) at one place, raced back, and so grateful to find it where I'd left it, phew!
- getting here safely, the TAP pilot, and Carlos' driving
- lots of friendly colleagues

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