A Work In Progress

2nd attempt at posting this  (the 1st one has vanished ..... that is over 90 so far).

SWMBO is feeling much better today - although she did have a doctors appointment this afternoon to see about coming off one of her drugs (a hard one to do). The last doctor we had was not happy when she said she had started to reduce them and told her too stop it as she would not sanction it.
This doctor said he would do some research and speak to somebody more specialist and phone her back. Good to his word, he did and has agreed to a months trail at a reduction.

I spent time sanding and putting a finish on the small Burr Oak Dish in the extras.

The main picture is the empty shell I came across in the front garden and was a shot to see if it will be worthy of better shots at a later date.

I took possession of a laptop this afternoon which SWMBO had ordered without consultation ..... she is sick of me losing the rage with this one apparently.
She is a good woman!

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