All of the lovely

Hugely productive day of many things, including an impromptu visit to the chemist to get Wills ears micro suctioned. I had a prime view of the enlarged version of what looked like a congested bat cave- it was disgusting. But now he can hear again so he is happy.

And in more spends for the day I hadn’t considered my car going for a service was going to cost over £600 with tyres and brakes and stuff. But it does so there we go.

But I did some weeding in the (too warm?) sun, sorted out my clothes, and my books, did some ironing that had been hanging around for weeks, shoved the summer clothes under the bed to be ironed in the summer, cooked several nice dinners and went for a swim in the sea at 5pm.

5pm!! That means we can now go afterwork swimming until the end of October. For several reasons our little swim group is somewhat depleted at the moment but Emma and I had an exhilarating time jumping with the waves so we didn’t get engulfed in the them. I’m looking forward to more swimming in the sea, I’ve missed the very non-boringness of it.

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