All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Really tough day today. Ethan woke up at 2.30am to go to the loo and woke me too. I then realised Zoe was having a fit. And another. And another. I ended up not getting back to sleep as she continued to have fit after fit with a max of 10 mins between them.

I had to go onto the office for a meeting in the morning and my heart was breaking at leaving her in such a state. Fortunately I was able to come home at lunchtime and work from home. Took ages to find her as she was hiding in cupboard under stairs. She wasn't in a good way, looking very vacant and soaking wet from constant drooling. We phoned the vets but by time vet phoned back they were closed but he wants to see her tomorrow. It's not looking good and I'm absolutely devastated.

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