Mose Todd?

      I just spotted these two; I think they were QE ll way up, but can't be sure now.  
     However,  HOW I managed is beyond guesswork (NO glue involved) when stood "to attention" they were the same diameter; they may not look it due to a slight "overlap" but there was quite a significant thickness difference.  Got me wondering if it was a Mainland Vs. Jersey difference or a 26 year time-frame difference?  1991>>>----------->2017.
      Another famous - BUT - On the heads:-
Jersey says "Queen Elizabeth the second 1991"
Mainland. -  "Elizabeth ll ˚ dei ˚ Gra ˚ Reg ˚ Fid Def ˚ 2017.
Jersey tails - "Bailiwick of Jersey Five Pence.
Mainland   -   "Five Pence"

Almost an emergency - but, like as not I forgot to swap Cards.   ; ¬)

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