New Shoots

(yet more I hear you cry! :))  These are from the alium plants I bought last summer :)  

Does anyone know if I should cut the 'seedheads' off now - and can they be kept indoors to dry, and possibly make a blip another day or?  Also, can these go in the ground now rather than staying in the pot?

There was a break in the dark weather and the weak sunshine came out for a while, so I've already done my digging for the day.  Major failure - tried to get the clemetis out of its pot, but it won't budge :(   I've had to put all the soil back in the hole in the garden!!  Help!

See the creature I dug up - I've no idea what this is for??

This time tomorrow the 2nd interview will be done and dusted (its at 11.15am).  I'm so nervous its unbelievable, but I've been practising a smile in the mirror, as the Director I'm going to meet is very smiley in her photograph on the website!  

Just wish I knew what to expect from a second interview, but its really difficult to know.  I've looked at the website and made lots of notes - do I really need to take all these notes?  My memory isn't as good as it used to be....

Tonight I'm hoping to just relax, sort my clothes out ready and polish my boots....

Fingers, toes and everything else crossed for this one!!

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