THE THING ABOUT REALLY GOOD FRIENDS... that even if you don’t see them for sometime, you just pick up again where you left off and it’s as if you just saw them the week before!

That’s what it’s like for us and our very good friends, Howard and Lillieth.  As soon as we saw one another, there were hugs all round - something we missed during the lockdowns - and we were chatting away merrily as if the years hadn’t rolled by since we last saw them.

Their children and our grandson were in Sunday School together when they were all young, and they are all now in their mid and late twenties so many years have rolled by, but we still laugh at the same things and still enjoy one another’s company, for which we are really grateful. 

It was good to catch up with them because Howard has recently retired and looks well on it - meanwhile, he still sends Lillieth out to work - Lillieth is still working, but she loves her job so it’s no real hardship for her.  

I have always kept in touch with their two children, especially when they went away to University and wrote to them several times a term - BUT they always knew when the card was from me because when they shook it, it made a peculiar sound, hence the reason, when I sent Howard’s birthday card last week, I wrote on the back of the envelope “No sprinkles inside!”

Who knows why some friendships last for years and years and others fall by the wayside?  For whatever reason, we are so blessed to have this family in our circle of friends and hope they know that.  When you look at the extra photograph, you will see that Lillieth and Mr. HCB were “caught in the act” of giving one another a BIG hug.

Thank you for your friendship, Howard and Lillieth - you are treasured friends - long may it continue!  Have a great time with A & K at the weekend when they both celebrate their birthdays and give them our love.  

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