
Home for the week, a beautiful and well maintained classic Lake District hotel. 

When we arrived we noted the profusion of geese poo, we even commented that they clearly couldn't be shy as it was even on the entrance steps. Turns out it's not geese that wander round the hotel grounds.... 

And just like that, the synaptic loop of memory, fired backwards through time to being a little lad on the lawn who'd never seen anything as magical in all of his life. When I close eyes I can hear their discordant cries and my grandfather's deep love-filled laugh. It wasn't till much much later in life I learnt how bemused my Nan was when Fred came back from the farm auction and declared "I've bought something to make the boy laugh".

Today is officially Mrs IttH's birthday, so whilst she relaxed this morning I presented a paper via zoom to the Board of Mountain Training and then signed off so we could go for a very very damp walk. But we did find cake :-) 

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