Harry Potter Wannabe's!

Visited Gloucester Cathedral today, all 4 of us, not something we'd been able to do until F.M.i.L. left us. Marlane, the Twins and I set off, parked a short walk from the cathedral - When did paying for parking become so damned complicated!! I gave it two hours as there's a lot to see, plus a visit to the Monks Kitchen for a drink and a snack.
The girls are big fans of Harry Potter so we visited some areas that are easily recognised in the films. At 5 years old they even know the original name of Lord Voldemort (Tom Riddle).
We stopped at, and discussed, many of the more unusual tombs which are set into the walls and floors of the building. Climbed steps (Extras) into some of the strange areas where we found interesting displays from hundreds of years ago. Stopped at the tomb of King Edward II, murdered at Berkeley Castle, not far from Gloucester, his internment there saved the Cathedral from being destroyed during Henry VIII's reformation.
It's been a few years since I visited but it has lost none of it's amazement.

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