It’s a Mystery

Not a great nights sleep as the wee one was a bit restless but he did stay in bed until after 8am this morning, which was a bonus. The date went okay, he was a nice enough bloke but I’d describe it as barely lukewarm rather than hot!! I don’t think there’ll be a second one this time.

A busy afternoon then I found out my usual lift to camera club had done himself an injury falling on the rocks at the beach so I had to hastily organise getting my car back so I could drive instead…hence my late blip as I just ran out of time. A speaker showing mostly wildlife/nature photographs this evening, lovely pictures and some interesting localities in the area to suss out…but typically we ran very late and it was about 10.30pm by the time I got home.

Thanks to ApolloFly and Nicoiseannie for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.

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