West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Leap Frog Lad

The twins had a training session tonight no coach as Ashleigh is away to Sheffield to compete, their routines are done and it was a case of free skate to get the moves off pat and the timing set. They both skated well although true to form Fraser was more interested in practising jumps not in his new routine ... I wonder who that sounds like???

After we came out the rink, we walked over round the dock the premis being a walk in the sun for me and a warm down for the twins without them acuually realising it was part of the session, I should have known better, Faser was hyper, free skate session, school holidays started sun out.

He sprinted away ahead and started vaulting the capstans on the quay, like a freaky frog he bounced, head had up and spotting his mark, he made it all look effortless, I got this shot, not well framed, not great composition but a nice blip of the boy...

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