In asynchronus mode..

By Mobius


Per chance due to traffic queuing behind a lorry to cross Kelham Bridge, I was able to take this picture of the Trent just breaking it's banks.

Kelham Hall 
lies behind the veil of trees. The current building designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott built in 1863 was later and it's Gothic Victorian style also later used by Sir George for the imposing Midland Grand Hotel adjoining Kings Cross railway station in London. A hall was originally built there shortly after the end of the English Civil War in the C17th. Pictures below.

Kellham Hall

 Kelham Bridge
a few metres away has existed from the 13th Century, when the River Trent was partly diverted away from Newark a mile away. The present bridge dates from 1857.

Earlier E and I delivered more leaflets with another guy around the Millgate area of Newark with it's well preserved historic wharfs and houses.

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