Vie's journal

By Vie

Smoke & Mirrors

I've blogged Jet before on a lazy day but today it seems particularly fitting. I've had her since I was about 3, and yes, I brought her to uni. Today I found out I got my 2.1 and seeing as I can't take her to graduation with me too, I figured I'd make her graduation with her own, very carefully designed and not at all chucked together, cap as my blip for the day.

Packing up the last of my stuff for the move out tomorrow. Then onto Barcelona and the grown up the world.

Title: Ok, odd to explain but its this. For 2 reasons:

1) I associate this song with a particularly great scene in Suits, and let's face it. I want to be Harvey Spector. Or Donna. I kinda love Donna.

2) I despair at the way this degree has worked over the past four years, getting this 2.1 has been one hell of struggle, often when it shouldn't have been purely because I am so woefully bad at exams and nobody has ever really explained why, so the few higher marks I get confuse the hell out of me as they're usually in exams I don't care about - it's all smoke and mirrors.

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