Rough sketch

I had to go and do a bit of fridge shopping earlier.
I didn't feel like it.
My owings from the chemist still haven't arrived.
Knackered when I got back.
Managed to unload shopping, made flask of tea and came back to bed.
Tried to do this post but kept falling asleep.
I thought it was going to have to be daffodils again for the creative, but like heck am I getting out of this bed and going back out in that foul weather.
Okay, a kaleidoscope again...
C'mon, you can do better than that (no disrespect to kaleidoscopes...)
Half way home I had seen this couple. They were either late parents or grandparents. He was skinny and thin, wearing a hoodie and he was absorbed in his smartphone. She was a little more substantially built, with a navy padded coat on. She was talking to him, but he was not listening. The child was in the pram exposed to the bitter wind and rain, the pram hood did not go over its head...
I barely saw them for a second. I am concentrating on turning left, I see them out of the corner of my right eye.
I told myself I would draw them when I got home...
But I didn't. I unpacked the chilled stuff and went back to bed.
I can't draw them now, I tell brain. It's nearly 5 hours later.
Brain refuses to talk to me.
Okay I'll do it on this piece of lined paper with an edding fine pen, I'll show you it's no use...
Brain remembered it for me...
It's passable...
Okay, new project...
Each time I go out in the car, remember one person or couple, and try and draw them some time later after I get home...

Wildlife nighttime camera
Midnight and Jade are both sat up watching the noises in the garden.
Then the badger comes along...
1min 4secs

Creative is the memory sketch on lined paper.

And I badly need to go back to sleep again ...
Not enough sleep last night, a couple of hours...
Cold again after being out in that foul weather.
Found some very plain biscuits in the Polish shop. English plain biscuits are too sweet and sickly for me.

I am going to go into land of dreams now with a rose scented steam eye mask...

Find your dreams...

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