Tiny Tuesday ...

... mystery.

Okay, maybe this snowman isn't quite a mystery ... but he is rather tiny.  I should know as I made him myself whilst I sat on the deck photographing the squirrels and birds.  Thanks to ApolloFly and Nicoiseannie for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.

Speaking of birds ... I've added an Extra of some the many birds that visited our yard today.  The left hand photo is of a well camouflaged Cooper's Hawk.  I was hoping that he/she would come down to the fence so that he/she would be more in the open but that didn't happen.  I eventually scared him off before he could get his lunch. 

The top right photo is a Common Grackle ... they have returned.  And the bottom right photo is a female House Sparrow.  We have dozens of house sparrows come to our feeders but I don't blip them very often.   

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