On the road to nowhere

The forecast was spot on. Wet, windy and dreary. After a HITT session Susan went to see her mum and I worked on various tasks at home.

Despite the rain we donned our wet weather gear and “enjoyed” a stroll around the estate. Nothing much attracted my eye. So it has to be this rather well made and substantial bridge across the River Len.

We are bemused by its presence. There is no public footpath on the other side so there is no need for a bridge. In fact a little further downstream the farmer has put some farm machinery across another entrance to the field.

On one or more occasion the bridge has been removed or broken up only to reappear larger and stronger than before. There have been Facebook spats about it.

In my view it shouldn’t be there.

More of the same weather tomorrow I understand. I think we got off lightly here in the South East.

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