Something wrong

We had a very disturbed night last night, Bailey drinking a lot and needing to go out to the garden four times. As the night went on, he was also finding it difficult to go up steps because of some weakness in his back legs. I got up and ready for work but decided as I walked Bailey that I needed to take him to the vets so I stayed at home today. Vets at 9:45 and nothing definitive, blood tests and pain killers and then a call this afternoon to say that the blood tests weren’t showing anything specific. He’s still quite wobbly on his back legs tonight but he has eaten a fair amount of his tea, had a slow walk and done his business. I’m hoping for a night’s sleep and him not being any worse in the morning. He was wagging his tail fairly extensively in the vets and doesn’t seem too downcast so hopefully the pills will start to do their job.

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