Not an Ordinary Day

John took this picture at about 11am in the recovery area.
Not at my best, but not too bad, considering....
It was raining when we got to the surgery center at 6:30 am. Already not at my best.
Also raining when I went home.
In between a lot of wonderful people took care of me, helped me figure      out how to walk, asked me my name and date of birth about 500  
times, and gave me a new knee!
Made it up the stairs with only a little drama.
Needless to say I am 1) glad it's over  2) so grateful for all the messages  of support 3) Dana waiting for us when we got home 4) dinner and            bouquet of tulips  delivered to the front door by my wonderful                      neighbor, Cindy. And lots more that I can't think of.

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