Up With the Sun..

..again! Some mornings are easier than others to get up and go...This one had a lot going for it..a good night's sleep and milder weather....no frost-bitten fingers to worry about..

The big event of my day was to be a long-awaited lunch with my old friends Donna, Kathy, and Noreen at our favourite Italian bistro. Best laid plans? Noreen, of canceled-dinners fame, had to cancel (!) as she once again has the flu. And then Kathy had to cancel too as she was ill! Geez.. Gathering a group of friends together these days has become an almost impossible task!  

Whatever, never say die...Donna and I managed quite well on our own and really enjoyed the opportunity to get caught up and to reminisce about our travels together, and the places we still want to go but probably will not...and to lament the little annoyances of growing old  - made all the less scary by being shared. It also felt good to compare and laugh about our most embarrassing moments of forgetfulness, the ones we usually keep to ourselves but are happy to confess over a glass of wine to an old friend who can relate! So reassuring to know that we are not in this alone.

Old friends are to be treasured... 

Now... if only we could them all get together at one time! That would be more like the old days...when we didn't seem to get sick as often!  

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