Marmalade mountain

We first got addicted to this stuff not long after we moved to Wooler, almost 9 years ago. The owner of the deli had it in stock because it had been requested by another customer. I bought a jar, and we were hooked! It's been our marmalade of choice ever since.

My little stash, brought down from Northumberland when we moved, has come to an end. We bought a couple of jars from Snape Maltings when we were on holiday last month, but have failed to find a local stockist of this particular marmalade. Nothing for it then but to order direct from the producer - 10 jars which arrived today. Should last a while...

ION: Drumming this morning. Walked through heavy rain to get there. The waterproof jacket and umbrella did their job - top half was fine, but my jeans were sodden. Coffee with Liz and June after drumming, then another soaking on the way home. The umbrella was useless as the wind had built up by then, but the rain wasn't quite as heavy, thank goodness!

Three brilliant guitar players at jazz club this evening. Thinking that it would be popular, we decided to get an earlier bus than usual from our local bus stop, only to discover that the bus timetable had changed, and that particular bus no longer runs. However, after a brisk walk into Holmfirth we were just in time to catch a different bus, and arrived at the pub in time to get a seat. My step counter is happy!

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