The Situation

Odd photo.

Let me tell you a story about this one.

That's Asta bending (nearing 80 years). Her dog Samu is underneath the pile. On Samu attached, there's a Pitbull that was free. Heard our dogs (on our private property) playing and barking (leashed) and came from over 100 meters and attacked. Then there's the owner trying to take the Pitbull off.

I ran with Buddha on my arms to take him home. Just got him inside (leashed, with a jacket on) and ran back. I tried to get closer to this pile, but the other dogs by the owner started to get close to me. At that point I didn't know if they were aggressive or not.

I called the 112 and they sent the police from Lahti. So now very close by at this point. The emergency service asked if we needed an ambulance, but at this point didn't seem like it.

The Pitbull was just holding on to Samu (small Chihuahua) and I didn't know what to do. I asked Asta what er husband's phone number is, but she didn't remember. I think she was in shock. I asked if she had her phone, so I could call her husband, but she didn't. So left the scene running to get him to help.

When I got back the owner had been able to get the Pitbull off and leashed too our mailboxes. Asta gave Samu to me, and I started to take Samu off the near area. Samu was determined to get the hell out of there. I was going downhill with Samu when they called me to call an ambulance. I did.

Continued with Samu when Asta's husband came and I gave Samu to him. At this point the first police (unmarked car) had arrived. He interviewed us and took notes. The owner assured that she never walks the dogs unleashed and that the dog had escaped.

I showed the police this picture to give him an understanding of the situation when I called the emergency service. He took my information.

The ambulance arrived. Asta had about a tennis ball sized piece of her skin hanging from her arm. She had her winter jacket on. If this had happened during summer, I think the dog would have taken her muscle off. They patched her up and she had to go see a doctor asap.

I went to see Pena (Asta's husband while she was in the ambulance.). I asked for her phone or if he wanted to go with her. This was when they were still taking her with them. At that point Samu was calm but didn't let Pena touch him. He had blood under his chin at least.

I think Samu is at the vet's right now. I walked to see if their car had returned . I will go over to ask how they are doing when they get back. I bought some flowers for Asta and some doggy candy for Samu.

I talked to my friend Päivi (another dog walker) and she told me that she and other dog walkers are afraid of that woman and her many dogs as she does keep some of them unleashed. She lied to the police. There's also some suspicions that she's abusive towards the dogs. People seeing glimpses of this and that. 

When the police was done with me. I asked if I'm needed anymore because my dog was still the vestibule with his leash and jacket on.

After I was home I saw that another police car came and the unmarked left after he had given his statement of the situation. These police talked to the 4 dog owner for a while and then it was all over.

Except for Asta, Samu and Pena. They are still handling the aftermath of this day.

I'll go check in again if they are back home. I feel so bad for them. And it was a shock for me too. Every once in a while I start to cry "for no reason". My whole sense of security has shaken over this.

It just came and attacked. I feel I should have been able to shield Asta  somehow. But I only saved my dog. Survivors guilt.


I visited Asta and Samu this evening. They were okay considering. Asta was still bleeding when going into the health care center and so was Samu after noon when they took him to the vet's. Samu was sedated and they took x-rays so that they saw if everything in his jaw area was okay. Luckily it was. Samu had some holes through his chin, which they got to stop bleeding. Asta will have her first wound care tomorrow.

I updated them on the fact that the owner does keep some of her dogs unleashed. I will also tell that to the police if they contact me again.

Päivi also told me that it wasn't Pitbull, but a Bull terrier. Fighter dog anyway.

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