13 Years of Blipping

I am celebrating 13 years of non-stop blipping today! No gaps in 13 years! Sometimes I have had to back-blip if I have had a hectic day, but most days I am blipping on the day.

When I look back I see a journal full of amazing experiences with the boys and with life with dogs. Friendships around the world and fantastic journeys to Russia, Japan, Italy, BelgiumEngland, Finland, France, The CZ Republic and many other places. 
I also see hours and hours in training halls trying to get better at what we do. Days that are necessary for us to get good enough to have all the adventures we get from our sport. 
I see grief when loosing a dog and excitement when having a new puppy

Dogs are not my whole life, but they make my life whole. 

Thank you to everyone who are following my life with the boys. Thank you for smiling with me when I am happy and for crying with me when I am sad. 

Check out my very first blip here.

And the pack I had back then - Whisper the Border Collie, Beat the Border Collie, Hero the Border Collie and Biscuit the Sheltie. 

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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