
By LadyFindhorn


They tell me it rained heavily last night. I didn’t hear it but I certainly saw the puddles left behind. By the time I left the house the sun was out and the wet pavements were drying. Now that the west side of North Bridge has reopened for pedestrians my route to the bus stop at the Apple shop has been made a little easier- I no longer have to jig back and forth across the roadworks to access the road crossing outside the Balmoral.

After my moan about the slowness of the #26 bus on Tuesday with its 24stops en route, travelling to the beach this morning was the complete opposite. The bus hurtled down to the sea barely stopping at any stops and even the lights were with us most of the way.  It barely took 10 minutes. Where the people were, goodness knows but ‘ours is not to reason why’…… Six of us made it into a calm sea with no wind.

I warmed up in the Art College Café this afternoon but found myself shut in when I found the door locked at 3pm. I hadn’t realised the café was closing early because the students had some sort of mid term holiday. Fortunately a janitor saw me trying to negotiate an alternative exit which might just have set the alarms going and found me  another tortuous route out.

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