Là Abairt na Gàidhlig

Today is Là Abairt na Gàidhlig / Day a Gaelic Phrase Day. 

This little cailleach-oidhche (owl)  is saying that she has a little Gaelic. 

I meet with my regular u3a Gaelic learners group this morning and will be speaking with one of Gaelic classmates this evening and so have had plenty of opportunities to say a few Gaelic phrases today.  

I even exchanged a few pleasantries in Gaelic when volunteering in the bookshop today - one of the regulars is also learning Gaelic. 

Later this evening I will be heading out for a supper meeting for one of the local groups I'm involved in  ... and so another busy day but as also a fun one. 

'S e latha trang a th'ann ach 'chord e rium. 

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