
Breakfast saw me make use of the apartment's espresso machine: at last something good about it! Then, after setting some experiments running - and because it was sunny - I went out for an hour's walk into central Sofia and back. It was nice to see the familiar sights, of which St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is the finest. On my way back, I bought the orange juice that I forgot last night, and supplies for lunch.

И joined me in the early afternoon, and we pushed further towards the next release of HiGHS. The morning's experiments showed up some odd behaviour in the solver we're introducing, and  I got stuck into investigating why after И left for gymnastics training. Hence, I ate lunch supplies for dinner. I'm now at the local craft beer pub that I found this morning. Наздраве ! Cheers!

In response to at least one request, I add an extra of the hallway décor! 

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