New glasses

Ben chose his own specs!
“I look like a scientist”,
he says! Happy boy.

Busy day, early start dropping Mr KCNQ2Haiku at the station and then busy taking Ben to school, home for letting Leo out for a wee and then getting to parenting class. Home for lunch and a muddy brook walk for the dog. Sent some emails out about the respite situation for Ben and then fetched him early for a psychiatrist appointment and to opticians to collect his new glasses. He was very typically Ben in the dr appointment, bouncing in his chair and making unusual comments and cutting off, distracted in mid sentence but he was calm which was good. He got hot and unzipped his jacket to show his t shirt completely ripped, that was a shock. The psychiatrist asked if he’d had a good day at school and he quite astutely said, ‘mixed.’ Sigh.. and school had told me he’d had a good day!! I still haven’t got to the bottom of it but at least he’s been settled with me. Solo night tonight as MrKCNQ2Haiku is overnight in London so I’m bath monitor, best dash!
(Wish me luck!)

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