
Forrest is finished for the summer at university and started work at the office today, helping us out with testing. He needs the money as he is moving into a flat in Headingley next month. He took the train in while I was on the bike, hoping to get another decent ride in this evening. I was slow getting organised this morning and wasn't even changed when he left the house. Once he'd left it occurred to me that it would be fun to race the train and see if I could beat him in. I got my act together and left myself fairly soon afterwards. I picked the pace up and enjoyed a brisk ride in, hooking up with a mate on the long drag up to Guiseley. I reached the office with enough time to spare to quickly get changed and greet Forrest on his arrival much as he left me, albeit with a bit of a sweat on! I took great pleasure from his very genuine and considerable surprise at seeing me there!!

It's been a good day. It's amazing how much more you can achieve with a clear head and a sensible amount of pressure. The clouds were quite threatening when I left for home, taking my regular long hilly route back, but although it did spot with rain a few times, it never came to anything. I felt quite strong on the hills, to the extent that I added a little detour up Brunthwaite Lane and actually enjoyed this brute of a climb. There can be no surer sign that I'm finding my cycling legs at long last.

Finally managed to catch up with myself on blip - which means, sadly, no time to catch up with you tonight, but it should get a bit easier now. Thanks again for continuing to stop by. There is no way I would have kept this going through the last week or so without your help. Cheers everyone.

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