High n dry

When the tide goes out around the Monaco Peninsula it goes out completely leaving this little fizz boat a long way from any water.

The results for Wide Wednesday - Wide Load are below, it seems I had set a tough challenge so maybe next weeks Wide and High as its a Leap Year will be a little easier? WidWed290224

In no particular order Hearts go to: - 

Nicoiseannie - Wide Shopping Trolley

BobsBlips - Load of colour

Pixelpixie - Landing Craft

Davidc - Wide load

Rustycrap - Franks Harley

In no particular order Stars go to: - 

LauriesPictos - Confetti 

Stevens - Spreading the load

Ninnies - Tanker

Carolina - Ferry

60plus - It wouldn't do

Well done Hearts and Stars and thanks to everyone for taking part.

A beautiful day as can be seen by the Blip.

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