Number whatever Jigsaw

Yet another beautiful sunny winter day, washing out again. The simple things….

I got a letter informing me that my state pension will rise in April - quite a good rise I think 8%.

Cut and colour at the hairdresser. It’s been 3 months since I’ve had it done so the grey was around 4cm! Had it cut quite short - choppy , I dont like to spend much time in styling it. Happy with the cut and colour.

Walked home still sunny but the wind was Baltic! I fairly flew up the hill to get home.

On getting home there was another wedding invite. Two days before the one I am already going to in Berwick of my friend C in Gateshead. Bloody hell that’s mad two weddings so close. This one is in Ballathie House near Murthly, a very upmarket place on the river in beautiful countryside.

Made the tea and researched some places to go to in Seville. I’ve booked the Alcazar for Wednesday morning at 9:30. I’m looking at a day trip somewhere, bus or train.

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