
It's Friday which means no after school groups, so it's a time to chill for the wildlings.  
They have had a busy week and so have I . I felt the struggle today on the bike. I'm tired. And sometimes a 4 hour shift feels like 10. Today felt like that. Little miss Harp has been climbing into our bed and sleeping at my feet. So I didn't sleep well from 2am ish. I ended up lying in her bed for a while. But got up at 4am. 

I have found a bike shop that will fix my bike properly in a day so after I have been at football with Xander tomorrow I will take my bike in. I need new brake pads for sure and my gears could do with a good sorting out. 

A few war wounds today. I would say I would like to relax but I don't have the time. 

Happy weekend 

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