Technicolour Rain

Guess what the weather's been like today. Go on, I bet you can't...

Oh, you can, eh?

This is a shot of the side window on Mollie Camper. I'm quite chuffed, actually, that the rain is sitting on the glass and on and not in the twenty seven year old paintwork. Clearly that pressure wash and wax worked wonders. 

But then, because I was a bit bored, I ran it through a different sort of a wash. A colour one.

Published our response to the government's gutting of the Inter Faith Network (IFN) this morning. You may have missed this relatively minor news in all the current tragedy and disaster, but it's a part of the overall story. 

As is our attendance (not by me, but a couple of my Druid colleagues) at last night's banquet for faith leaders held by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of London at the Mansion House. Not that these things are in any way connected, oh no...

Amidst all the conflict currently plaguing the world, it's vitally important that everyone keeps talking...

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