Coloured wedding photo

After a lovely sunny start the weather quickly deteriorated…it got colder and this afternoon we’ve had more rain, again!
 I went to Pilates and luckily had planned tasks to do indoors. I am attempting to sort out my 2023 photos to do a Photobook of the grandchildren and a bit on our holidays too. It takes ages.

I also decided on the next part for my ‘Life Story’ book. The wedding of my parents. However as my father was married before I have included that too. Sadly his first wife died very young of T.B as it was before the cure had been discovered..which I have found out was 1950. Although they got married in the war it was a very ‘posh’ wedding ( the left hand photo) top hats and tails plus a very fancy dress and veil plus an enormous bouquet with so many ferns! I do have a B & W version but find the hand coloured version very interesting. 
The right hand photo is my parents in 1949. My mother’s dress was made of pale blue crepe. I still have her dress but could never fit in it although my sister in law has worn it. The photo I have of this is much poorer quality and very small.

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