Fun on Friday

Woke far too early before it was dawn and Terry was awake, sounding in pain. Went to check on him (separate beds till he has fully recovered - we did the same when he had his other one done, only now he's in the double and I'm in the single whereas it was the other way around last time). He was OK but struggling to get comfortable - the wound is long and right where you lie. I helped him up and he took himself off to the loo then I helped him back in bed. I lay awake for at least an hour before falling back asleep.
Int he morning I went in to check on him and asked him if he was getting up because he would need to take some medication soon (apixaban) and he said he'd get up soon so I went downstairs to make myself a brew and next thing I heard him up in the bathroom! I made our brews and called upstairs "Are you all right?" He sounded a bit disgruntled as he replied "I am now". He had a moan about me leaving him to struggle out of bed and get his slippers on etc. I reminded him that he had said he'd get up soon (which he denied, being sure he said he was getting up right away) and I wouldn't have left him if I thought he was getting up there and then! Why didn't he shout me anyway? Men!
He has only had paracetamol for pain relief and says he doesn't need the oromorph as the pain he has from the operation is a lot less than the pain he had before it. He hasn't been taking his BP medication as his BP has been a bit low but it's spot on today and we'll keep an eye on it. He hasn't taken his bisoprolol since the day before his op (he was prescribed it for AF years ago but we don't think he has AF any more - we think it was due to infection) and he has not taken this because of the low BP as it may drop it further.
He is frustrated by not being able to do much but I keep reminding him it's not for that long and it will be worth it. He has walked about with his crutches (downstairs) quite a bit today and has been doing some leg and feet exercises (he has an exercise sheet) but can't do all of them yet. It's early days.
I felt shattered today but I haven't done a lot. I went to do the Tesco shopping and it was torrential rain with hail on the way there but was fine when I came out. The photo was a quick one for a blip while parked at Tesco. I had a nap late afternoon on one of our settees while Terry played on his phone and walked about a bit. He is bored. I need to find him a project that he can do from the settee! It will be better when we can go out for him to have a walk.

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