Paws and Claws

Squirrel paws are hand-like, with little primitive thumbs and strong claws for grasping at tree bark. These features, combined with a squirrel's ability to rotate its hind feet 180 degrees, allow the animal to descend head-first from a tree. 

Squirrels have 4 sharp toes on their front feet for climbing, and 5 toes on their back feet. Squirrels can eat their body weight in food every week! 

Climbing and death-defying jumps are the primary uses for squirrel claws. The strength and sharpness of the keratin in squirrel claws allow the animal to rapidly dig into the tree bark, creating a sturdy and stable grip. The incredible grip allows the animal to run 10 to 15 miles per hour up and through trees. The claws' sharpness and rigidity will also enable the animal to leap with confidence because these digit tools immediately latch onto the tree’s surface.Claws are the primary reason a squirrel is such a capable climber. If it weren't for these needle-like features, the gray squirrel would likely live a more vulnerable life on the ground. 

For the Record,
 This day came in cloudy with very light rain. We had lunch with T's sister and her grandchildren, our great niece and nephew.

All hands happy it's Friday.

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