You Saw It Here Last

That historic gas holder will not be looking like this for much longer. Notice the crane in the middle of it - they're building flats inside. Like the ones at Kings Cross. All the grungy old stuff in the east end, that the hipsters are moving in to enjoy, is being removed and sanitised with new chi chi development. 

Building new flats for hipsters to move into and look out on everything that is no longer there. Oh the irony. I've ranted about this before. At a recent photo society meeting the speaker emphasised the important of recording what we see in front of us because it is disappearing before our eyes.

Anyway, John and I had a good ride down to Rinkoffs in Stepney for a coffee and delicious pastry. Got home before the showers so good timing. 

Sorry not to have made comments in the last few days. Will get down to looking in on you over the weekend.

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