The woods in Feb.
Always things to see whatever the season. You have to get your eye in. Lose the other thoughts and preoccupations.
Here's a magnified ivy berry. Birds eat the flesh and reject the pips (left). Now I can see what look like tiny galls on the ivy leaf - I shall have to go back to examine.
Clumps of bluebell and wild garlic leaves are appearing above ground. New lambs bleat in the distance but in amongst the leaf mould the jaw bone of a sheep lies silent..(1)
Spent catkins lie limp on the ground like dead caterpillars. They've had their brief fling in the wind. (2)
The rosy tentacles of the tiny female flowers remain on the branches where, if fertilized, they will become nuts. (3)
Coral spot fungus erupts from the bark of a stricken holly tree. (4)
The cycle of death, decay and renewal repeats again
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