Strawberry Tree

Our strawberry tree is one of the first blooming in February.

I learned from Wikipedia about this interesting plant. 
Being a pioneer plant and growing well also in poor soils, it can be used in a wide array of situations.
The flowers are a significant source of nectar and pollen for bees, while the fruits are food for the birds.
Its salt tolerance, coupled with it being an evergreen, make it a good choice for wind barriers in lands close to the sea.
A. unedo is fire resistant (can regrow after a fire), and being a pioneer plant can contribute to the discontinuity of fire-prone pines and eucalyptus monocultures. For the same reasons it is a good candidate for reforestation in Mediterranean areas.
The dense foliage throughout the year can be a shelter for insects and small animals during the winter.
Its extensive root system can help in the soil stabilization process.
Its fruits are eatable. (What I never did)
Arbutus unedo's leaves have been employed in traditional and folk medicine in the form of a decoction said to have the following properties: astringent, diuretic, urinary anti-septic, antiseptic, intoxicant, rheumatism, tonic, and more recently, in the therapy of hypertension and diabetes.

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