The second half of life..

By twigs

An apple a day..... know the saying.

The apples (beautiful, crunchy NZ Braeburns - the only way to go!) certainly kept the doctor away from me today :(

I had a hospital appointment for some minor surgery this morning. Having robed up the nurse took my blood pressure and temperature and and was shocked to see a temperature of 38 degrees. I've been feeling a bit headachy for a couple of days but nothing that (I thought!) a weekend of rest wouldn't help. With the swine flu threat it's understandable that they're taking extra precautions, but I was still disappointed when they cancelled my appointment on the spot, sent me home and wrote me off work for 5 days!

When I got home I decided to light the fire, lie down on the sofa, watch a movie and then catch up on some sleep.

Hmmmm......when I woke up I was crook - very crook! Thumping head, achy back, coughing, tight chest, tingling muscles.

I guess the bug must have timed it's assault on me to near perfection - if 'perfection' means in time to wreake the most havoc on my weekend.

I'm so rarely sick and this has been a bad year for me - I think my body is telling me it's not happy with the state of my life at the moment :(

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