Grey like yesterday

Raining all day long. Foggy. Wet. Very wet. Very very wet.

Took the picture while returning from a hardware store. Bought the materials needed for fixing the bedroom. That is the easiest area to fix, but also the biggest mess thus far.

It took us 50 minutes of driving and about 25 minutes to gather the materials with the help of personnel from 3 different departments of the big store. The offer stated 5 hours to pick up materials. For professionals.

So we got the bedroom fixed with few hours of work. We bought white board which they cut in the store, so I didn't even have to paint at this point.

The stickers I ordered should arrive early next week. I will use some to finish the boxing, so I'll show you after that.

Also there's one long piece of material saved when everything was taken down when we were still looking for the source of the leak. I'll ask the second renovation company (arriving on Monday) if it's still useful or not.

I wrote the first company that sorry, but the insurance company said your bid was too high in price. I got a lot of explanations in return and him telling me how other projects have actually cost more than estimated at first.

To me that only sounds that his out to collect. I mean if the damage is larger than estimated at first, then we'd contact the damage valuation company again and do another estimate. That's quite normal. To me this other guy is just looking for ways to make money for him. And I think he thinks I'm stupid and don't know anything.

So the easiest part of the renovation is done by us. Good use for grey day.

Now I know what to ask the other company to do and which will be left for me to do. I'm saving money for us and the insurance company. 

Niklas is here for pizza and sauna. It's still raining. It should stop around 6 am tomorrow. I hope the solar panels are slowly showing from under all the snow. Usually we turn the solar plant on in the beginning of March. Before that it will require some manual shoveling, but hopefully the melting will do most of the work.

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