First Street

A day for playing! 
Lunch, theatre and discussion.
Very refreshing :-)

After a stressful week today has been lovely.  Ben went off with his carers at 11am, they were headed for trampoline park, all abilities cycling, a walk and some basketball, so he was excited and happy to go.  Leo merrily trotted across to the neighbours for some fuss and the rest of us hopped on a tram into Manchester in the bright sunshine and almost warmth!  We had lunch together and chatted and then walked up to the theatre at Home.  It's an area that has changed such a lot.  We lived in the vicinity 20 years ago when the buildings in this photo did not exist, it was mainly old derelict car parks and a trainline.  Crazy really.  The play was great, such talented actors, we were blown away by fabulous singing and instrumental work.  All very entertaining but hugely thought provoking.  We finished just in time to scrape onto the tram, walk home and be 15 minutes early for Ben, which was just was well since they brought him back 15 minutes early!  I'm winning :-)

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