Final Dawn

Should be released today after my 30th antibiotic infusion since Valentines Day!
The view from my hospital window, in fact, half the view, I'll see if I can post the other half as an extra.
This one is taken facing south towards the Alps with the sun rising on far left over Salzburg & Berchtesgaden. Then, the next big range is Ammer mountains around Garmisch Partenkirchen eg Zugspitze. Then, further to right Alps around the Disney Castle Neuschwanstein, the Allgäuer Alps, West Alps heading to Swiss, Austrian, German border at Lake Constance.

As always in German hospitals, the worst part is waiting for the 'Doctors Letter', which is your release paper. Without it, you are a criminal. Mine took till 2pm & I'm 99% sure was written & signed off yesterday. At weekends, there is rarely your own doctor on duty.

Oh well, home at last for a cup of Yorkshire tea!

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