All his own work?

Well, not exactly. We were joined by seven others from our group which manages our local wildlife  area. Many hands made light work and we completed the hazel coppicing, bramble clearing and other tidying up  jobs in under two hours. A surprise for us, and the animal, was when a Muntjac deer ran the  entire length of the wildlife area, right through  the newly coppiced spot  on the left of  the photo!  On the right of the photo, and shown in more detail in the extra, is blossom on  one of our two Mirabelle  Plum trees, which are now in full bloom.   (Mirabelle Plum, prunus domestica subsp syriaca, is similar, but not the same as the more  ubiquitous, but equally beautiful,  Cherry Plum, Prunus cerasifera.)

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