Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Three in the Air

In the frame preceding this, all four of Jax's feet were off the ground (see Extra), but I like this image just a bit more.  I love the way Jax isn't afraid to look directly into the camera lens - not all animals are comfortable with the "big glass eye" and our last dog, Carrie, was one who would never look at the camera.  Jax has no such issues.  

You came dangerously close to another gull today but I must confess that after 250 shots, I didn't like a single one.  The sun was low, but still very bright and I just could not ever get the light the way I wanted in the images - shadows caused by the wings were my biggest issue.  So, I shall probably stick with cloudy day gull shots from now on.  I was very happy that, even though the sun was getting dangerously low when I got home, Jax was still an option for today's blip.That said, 1/800 is pretty low for "dogs in flight".  

Hubs and I watched "Catch Me if You Can" with Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks last night.  I have to admit, I didn't love it.  I think the acting was very good and the story (another true story) was good, but the way it was delivered just wasn't my cup of tea.  

I can't believe it is very nearly the end of February.  Honestly, the time just flies by as I get older - just when I'd like it to slow down a bit.  


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