A gentle pace

After Bible Study (more of the story of Joseph that we are all loving) I met my big sister and took her out to lunch at my favourite place ‘Wanasa’. Somehow we killed 3 hours sitting there but we had a lot to catch up on as I haven’t seen her since the weddings last summer.

I turned around as we got up to leave to find 3 Pigeons (school gate friends) sitting behind us. Made me laugh. One of them I had popped round to see on the way to church so it was funny to land up in the same place again.

My sister is having a hip replacement next Tuesday. She’s 4 years older than me but it makes me think I’m heading in the same direction. It’s the genetics. My mother had 6! 2 that lasted nearly 20 years, 2 repeats that failed and and then another 2. Boy!!

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