Box of Nuts

Well didn’t Scotland just go and win the Calcutta Cup for the 4th time in a row yesterday. I couldn’t watch after England scored the first try minutes into the match and only dared a sneak a peep round the door towards halftime when I found Scotland had a substantial lead. Just as I thought I could watch again, England scored another try. Obviously I have the ability to jinx Scotland’s playing ability and so I stayed clear until minutes before the final whistle. How lovely it is to have Scotland win at something for once even if we have brilliant outside help from the player of the match Duhan van der Merwe from George in South Africa.

There was the reconvening of the Sunday Coven of Merry Widows this morning when the state of the world was discussed in detail while we sipped out lattés. Always lattés, and no buns. When we have exhausted the news, peculiarities and dangers of the modern world, we go our separate ways for another week refreshed from voicing shared opinions.

I’ve looked out the window at a dreich cold afternoon and decided not to go out again so that my blip will have to be my box of nuts. Actually, on reflection, it could be vaguely representative of the world around me.

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