
By PaulShelley

Last day into Nice.

This has been the most fabulous ( and I don't often use that word) cycling trip. The best one I have ever done.

Our last day fstarted at 7.15 in Dignes for a 91 mile ride to the Mediterranean. There have been more tough climbs but also more switchback descents. I get a personal best top speed on my bike down one of the drops.

It would be logical for me to post a picture of me on the prom in Nice with the sea behind me at the finish - 350 miles completed. But we have formed such a strong group that it has to be a team pic.

After the lunch stop we had to do 10 miles on an undulating road with a head wind. So we organised ourselves into a line each taking a turn of a few hundred metres at the front and then pealing off and having a breather at the back. You cyclists may know this as " through and off" or Bit and Bit.

As we came to the edge of the Alps where we were going to start our 30 mile drop into Nice we just had to stop for a picture of our chain gang. I'm the one in the Action Medical Research jersey.

What a great bunch of people to spend such a fun few days with.

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