Work work work.

It's been a very productive day. 
After the early food shop with the Jedi I continued to clear out some of our garage. I booked to dump slots so made a decent dent. Although it still looks mighty busy in there. Doesn't help we have like 10 bikes and go karts and a bouncy castle etc. But at least I can see a big part of the floor now. 

Mr R started to organise the office.  Although as you can see from the photo,  3 of the wildlings were using the storage boxes to chill in that he needed. 

I ended up falling asleep in my bed last night.  Harp had a sore tummy and wanted cuddles. I did however ended up being awake before 3.30 am . So it's felt a very long day. Especially at family dinner. The two big wildlings were being quite tricky with their cheekiness.  It's resulted in a ban from technology tonight and tomorrow morning.  I do struggle with the cheekiness.  And tiredness doesn't help the situation.  

I'm bathing two of the wildlings while I upload to blip and then I hope to get a early night with them. 

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