Crow in snow

Taken from indoors before going out for a walk, which didn't provide much photo opportunities. Walked through a forest path, which was still quite walkable three weeks ago, but now it was quite difficult. Someone had tried riding through it, but turned back half way. It seemed that it was probably harder for the horse than for me, but the hoof prints didn't help me either.

In snowed last night and with the temperature just above zero, it was more or less slush by morning. I scraped it off on our own yards, but didn't bother ploughing any more, as it might just as well melt, as the forecast has more of about the same temperature, without any more new snow.

It was another grey creature's birthday today. Our beloved nutcase Petteri has survived 12 years! He's celebrating it doing the same as on Friday. We also got greetings from a sister of his. Looked nearly identical!

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