
There was a wee bit of turning this morning, but we had to do a spot of shopping for the evening meal ... since we are on child wrangling duties.

We had to go to Falkirk to collect them (Bags & SIL are having another night away). Originally it was meant to be at The Wheel, but we got a call to say it was all barricaded up and there was no water in the canal (work on the locks???) and so we met up at the car park at the football stadium as they had changed their plans and gone to The Kelpies before meeting us.
Imagine going to Falkirk and not getting a picture of either the wheel or the horses!

It was a quiet afternoon with Squirrel round at a friends house and The Cygnet playing games on-line (wearing headphones). The Kitten joined him for a while and did her best to learn how to use the controller but not having opposable thumbs she eventually gave up.

Before going to bed Squirrel was doing her 'beauty routine' and managed to get blue eye make-up on her hands, which when she tried to remove it, turned red ...... and dyed her hands - as you can see above.
She is going to look a right wally at school tomorrow.

There are other shots of cats & kids either side of the links.

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